Friendship: by Leila Kavtarashvili and Marina Gaurgashvili.

Friendship is a type of relationship between two or more people who care about each other. Friendship is wonderful. I think everyone in the world has friend. It’s very good feeling when you have someone, who you can to rely on. But many qualities are necessary for a good friendship including honesty, trust and unconditional acceptance. A friendship should make both people in the relationship happy. Both people should have fun when they spend time together. 

Real friendship is the best form of relationship. Trust is essential in true friendship, we all need someone whom we can share our thoughts, frustrations and etc. A true friend is someone who cares and is there for you, a friend that knows all of your faults, mistakes and problems and still loves you, a person who can get you out of difficult situations.

A true friend won’t avoid telling you something you don’t want to hear, something that may risk your relationship. For me it’s less important to have more friends and more important to have a real once. A true friend keeps promises and tell the truth. In my opinion, a best friend is someone who tells you upfront what she doesn’t like of you, but others tell that you are the best person in the world.

In short, a friend is a special person who supports, helps, listens, gives advice, doesn’t betray and most important, can be trusted. People may have many friends but only 1% of this  person’s friends are true friends.