Must parents be strict with their teenage children or not? by Diana Bordzikashvili

All parents want happiness for their children, but what strict parents don`t know is their children are far from happy. Children need to be raised with love and caring, they need to learn from their own mistakes to know why certain thing are not allowed for them, and they need their parents` encouragement. Children raised in a strict house miss a lot of that. They feel like they are raised in a prison, not a place for love and care.

Most strict parents have high expectations from their children. They want them to be the best with no flaws. But sometimes this is not possible for children. Children always want to make their parents proud, but when they cannot they feel frustrated. They feel like their parents are living their lives for them. When they want to fulfill their own dreams, strict 20150816_190547parents see it as destruction’s from what they are supposed to do. Children should get the chance to try things they like and set their own goals, they should ask for advice from their parents should not force them to do something.

Children living in strict homes usually tend to lie to their parents. They lie because they are afraid of the punishment they get. They also bottle up all their feelings with no one to talk to. Parents should listen to their children without criticizing them, because criticism destroys their self-esteem. With low self-esteem they won`t be independent in the future.

Children raised in strict homes tend to lie a lot, have low self-esteem, and are isolated from the real world and reality. Parents should be fair with their children. They should be strict too, but not too much.