I think I’d have to agree that a person’s childhood years are the most important. These are the years, which form us.
No doubt, the early years are the time when we learn about relationships, first with family, then with the rest of the world. We learn how to respond to others based on the way others treat us. If we are loved, then we learn how to love. Also, we form our ideas about self-worth based on the way others treat us during these years.
These are years, when we begin our formal education. In school we learn the basic skills of reading, writing and working with numbers, these skills we’ll use throughout our lives. We also, learn how to analyze and use information.
From my point of view, the most important is that, we develop our moral sense of right and wrong. At first, others teach us about good and bad, as we grow we begin to decide for ourselves. During this time we develop self-discipline to live according to our morals.
I believe, a person grows and changes throughout many stages of life, however, childhood years are the most important.
Leila Kavtarashvili