Ecospeaker: by Adam Gumashvili

Nowadays, Georgia needs envirnmental defensive projects. That’s why “Ecospeaker” was established. I am one of the pupils who took part in this project. Ecospeaker is not the only one. There are other projects. However, it is the friendliest, funniest and most interesting one.FB_IMG_1463653029809
First, I made a video, where I was talking about environmental defense. After Ecospeaker selected 22 pupils, of which I was one. Then they called me and informed me, when and where to meet.On February 7th they conducted training about sustainable forest management, integrated management of waste and effective presentation.  February 14th I presented my presentation about integrated management of waste in front of the jury, where I took fourth place. In the final, I presented my presentation again.

Finally, they informed that awards would be on April 9th. After, I went. I discovered that I became the favourite of the jury. Then they gave me prizes.