Experiences that inspire: by Milana Gaurgashvili

On 29th of October Young Journalists Club visited a ceremony of giving certificates in Tbilisi.  Students who finished RSF (Roddy Scott Foundation) and are studying at different universities in Tbilisi were given chance to take youth professional retraining courses at the UNIKO- universal knowledge academy, that gave them opportunity to assimilate secondary profession or master the ones they are studying at university. Children completed 3-month courses that contained both learning and practical use of what they learnt. At the ceremony we saw grateful children, they talked about the opportunities that were given to them by RSF, if how the foundation has changed their lives. The children were happy to share the success that RSF had brought to them. On the ceremony they talked about their future plans, future jobs and the ways they are going to use what they have learnt. We met important people, shared our dreams and aims, our plans for future and what we are doing, also we talked about how we are trying to achieve our aims and dreams. We received a lot of information about the people who could help us with our dreams, who could share with the world more about us, our society and children from small villages with big plans looking forward to better future. Their stories inspired us and gave motivation, also RSF shared the information that we also could be given the same chances. The opportunities that were given to them will be given to us, and it makes each of us more stimulated and purposeful to achieve more and use the chances that will be given.