Mariam's story by Mariam Margoshvili

I was born on February 4, 1998 in Duisi village.  I have my mother, sister, brother, grandmother (from my mother) and grandfather (from my father). At age of one my father died and my mother with 3 small children was left alone. When I was three years old I started going to dance. The dance teacher and director of the studio was my grandfather (from my mother). Because of this, all my family were dancers except my mother and her brother. This was the reason I started dancing. I often went to a lot to concerts with my ensemble members and we achieved great success, I have 2 medals and 6 diplomas from dance. When I was seven years old my grandfather died and we were left without a dance teacher. My mother became director of the studio but teachers were Georgians.

My sister finished her study in Tbilisi and started work in Tbilisi as lawyer. My brother also passed exams and he also is studying in Tbilisi.

I want to learn well and become a good doctor. I also want to finish master’s degree abroad to get more study.  My biggest dream is for my mother and my family members to be proud of me.