Yesterday, walking in the garden, I saw a violet under the melted snow. It was so beautiful I want spring come soon.
February is ending. It’s cold, but the smell of coming spring is felt in the air. Winter is a beautiful season of year, which is associated with calmness and pureness for me.
The nature is resting in the winter after great work. Everything is calm, as the nature has gone to sleep. And the people are also resting in the winter.
But we are looking forward to spring. Everyone is excited with coming spring. It’s felt onthe life.
The snow from the large mountains, which are looking over the gorge, is melting. The quickened pulse of spring is already felt in environment. But the march is ahead. Thinking about the planning of crazy times in summer is pleasant. Bu
t we students are worried about one thing, we have school exams in summer and we are trying to do our best to meet the exams prepared.
Yes, of course, we’ll have less time for fun, but we hope that the end will be sweet.